Friday 16 September 2011


Did you know that is what DDT stands for? Weird.

I spent all of yesterday working on Bio in order to meet a deadline before leaving on Monday, and it was not super fun. It’s all of the stuff about the different cycles, photosynthesis and the food chain. Stuff we’ve seen since grade 5 that they keep bringing back as some cruel form of torture. The only thing that brought me some joy is the ridiculous things they write in the text books to try and help you relate to what you’re learning. This was my favourite little intro I read yesterday:

‘Imagine you are outside and this thought suddenly occurs to you: “What if all the nitrogen in the biosphere were used up?”’

Ha! I laughed out loud at that one!

The one thing I am thankful for is that I have a GREAT Bio teacher. I send her on average four e-mails a day… Which makes me feel bad because I never like the kid who is always running back and forth to the teacher’s desk; JUST FIGURE IT OUT! But, in the world of online school I am definitely that kid.

My ‘Sent’ folder in my e-mail looks like this:

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: Assignment Booklet

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject:  (SR)s and Tutorials

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: One last thing!

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: Just kidding! This is the last thing!

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: I’m incredibly sorry.

Next Day:

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: Time for your daily e-mail!

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: Guess who?

To: Ms. W                                                                            Subject: You’re a gracious soul

Ms. W, you are a lifesaver and a very patient lady to this spazzy, bio-hating homeschooler.

As a special little treat to you, on this education themed blog update, here are the top 10 songs that are soothing my hard-working soul as I do homework:

1.       I Can’t Make You Love Me/Nick of Time- Bon Iver

2.       Dance, Dance, Dance- Lykke Li

3.       July 25th 2007- Allison Weiss

4.       The Party Song- Del Barber

5.       I’m Gonna Love You Too- Jenny O.

6.       There Are Very Tiny Beasts In the Ground- We Are The City

7.       We Get On- Kate Nash

8.       Let’s Dance to Joy Division- The Wombats

9.       The Light Is You- Said the Whale

10.   Helena Beat- Foster the People

Thanks for reading!


Ps. Maybe I should organize my workspace a little better…

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad this isn't as good as your last entry. Not to say it isn't good. It's offbeat, quirky, and definitely humourous. Also the top 10 songs thing is good too. Some experimenting in the format. An entry that's entertaining, but doesn't compel me to give you a high grade, under my new more critical system. Good work Schwartz Shorts. 7/10.
