Thursday 25 August 2011


10:13 pm
We had a chance to explore the downtown area a little more today which was awesome. I love Ghent even more than I already did now that I was able to get a better look at the heart of the city.
Today was a beautiful, drizzly day in Ghent which was magnificent, ‘cause I actually missed the rain in the beautiful Calgary summer we had this year. We did quite a bit of shopping, and found lots of coffee shops and candy stores in the downtown area. I’m pretty stoked on the coffee shops we found, because of a surprising lack of coffee shops in our area. We have about 15 bars nearby, and a dozen places to get pita, but no coffee shops. Disappointing? I think so. I’m pretty sure the Ghent equivalent of grabbing a coffee is grabbing a beer, but the parentals aren’t too keen on me doing that. There is so much amazing shopping to be done downtown, and I’ve hardly even made a dent in the shops yet. I still have much work to do. Walking near the canal is beautiful, and the buildings and cobblestone streets seriously look like something that Monet forgot to paint. I love the streets of Ghent, and I can’t wait to see more of them in these next two months that we’re here.
 If I were to object to something in Ghent, it would have to be the outdoor urinals. You heard me, little booths where men in need of relief can stand and take a leak while still being able to watch the world around them. It’s disgusting and awkward to walk past a man standing in there, and it’s funny to me that his head can stick out in case he wants to give someone a little nod or wave as they pass by. I saw a man having a conversation with these two ladies while peeing… It’s strange for sure. Adam has already used it though, and he and Dad think that they’re fantastic and convenient… Sickos (or is it sickoes? I don’t really write that word in the plural form a lot) Speaking of discomforts, I completely ruined my feet today in my new “roaming around Europe” boots. I’m considering amputation to take me out of my pain. Just kidding, it wasn’t that bad and I looked dynamite. ;)
We catch our bus to Brussels tomorrow afternoon and then take a real train to London! I’m pretty excited about it all. We’ve got some great plans in the UK that include visiting the Globe Theatre, the London Eye and Buckingham Palace in London as well as a day trip to Liverpool (the home of the Beatles!!!) and Manchester for the long awaited Arcade Fire concert. I’m just livin’ the European dream. J


  1. Outdoor urinals? That sounds awesome and practical. And I may be (will be) giving you a better score on this review because you mentioned them. No joke. Ghent sounds awesome. And the plural for Sicko is sickos according to a quick google search. Just so you know. Keep up the good blogging. 8.4/10.

  2. You MUST go to Blackpool!! That place will knock your trendy little socks off! And it is home to what was once the largest roller coaster in Europe! Did I mention the giant trolls on people's lawns? Need I say more? I love your blog, Alanna! I check it everyday! Keep writing, and I'll keep feeding Harriotte...

  3. See Michelle, the conflict there is that I strongly dislike Harriotte, so this may be my last blog entry. ;) Also, I've just Googled Blackpool and it looks AH-mazing. I'll see what the 'rents think.
